What is OrCAD Library Builder?
OrCAD® Library Builder is an automated solution for part creation. Advanced PDF datasheet extraction drives schematic symbol and PCB footprint/land pattern creation, eliminating traditional error-prone manual processes and creating accurate component libraries in a fraction of the time.

Product Highlights

Ensure your libraries are built correctly the first time by automating error-prone tasks and providing a complete set of error checking utilities

Save symbol generation time and errors by extracting datasheet specifications, formatting, and exporting to OrCAD Capture efficiently

Automatically build your footprints to IPC-7351 specifications straight from the vendors’ datasheet or define custom requirements

Check to ensure symbol and footprint match easily with the ability to view symbol and footprints in one GUI and cross probe if necessary

Generate STEP models automatically from the footprint data, making it easy to build accurate mechanical models for 3D visualization

Accelerate workflow dramatically by providing a single unified environment for extracting PDF data, creating footprints, and validating outputs